Debugging using radare2

Thu, Jul 16, 2020 10-minute read


Hi Y’ALL, before proceeding to solve other crackmes it is important to know how to debug in r2. This post is continuation of Solving IOLI Crackmes Using Radare2 [Part-I].

Let’s take the previous solved crackme0x02 and solve it by debugging it.

Opening binary

We use r2 -A crackme0x02 to open binary in r2 with analysing the binary on startup and can use other informational commands such as i,a,etc. To open binary in debugging mode, we have to use -d option.

r2 -Ad crackme0x02

The above one will open binary with analysing and starting in debugging mode.

root@n00b:~/Desktop/RE/radare2-workshop-2015/IOLI-crackme/bin-linux# r2 -Ad crackme0x03
Process with PID 14660 started...                                                                  
= attach 14660 14660                                                                               
bin.baddr 0x08048000                                                                               
Using 0x8048000                                                                                    
asm.bits 32                                                                                        
glibc.fc_offset = 0x00148                                                                          
[Invalid address from 0x080483ffith sym. and entry0 (aa)                                           
[x] Analyze all flags starting with sym. and entry0 (aa)                                           
[x] Analyze function calls (aac)
[x] Analyze len bytes of instructions for references (aar)                                         
[x] Check for objc references                                                                      
Warning: aao experimental on 32bit binaries                                                        
[x] Check for vtables                                                                              
[TOFIX: aaft can't run in debugger mode.ions (aaft)                                                
[x] Type matching analysis for all functions (aaft)                                                
[x] Propagate noreturn information                                                                 
[x] Use -AA or aaaa to perform additional experimental analysis.                                   
 -- The Hard ROP Cafe                                                                              

Reason for starting at higher address

0xf7fcb0b0 is the starting address the r2 has placed its debug. But lets see what this address is , is this a function or not

[0xf7fcb0b0]> afl
0x08048360    1 33           entry0                                                                
0x08048320    1 6            sym.imp.__libc_start_main                                             
0x080483b0    6 47           sym.__do_global_dtors_aux                                             
0x080483e0    4 50           sym.frame_dummy                                                       
0x080485a0    4 35           sym.__do_global_ctors_aux                                             
0x08048590    1 5            sym.__libc_csu_fini                                                   
0x080485c4    1 26           sym._fini                                                             
0x08048520    4 99           sym.__libc_csu_init                                                   
0x0804846e    4 42           sym.test                                                              
0x08048595    1 4            sym.__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx                                            
0x08048414    4 90           sym.shift                                                             
0x08048498    1 128          main                                                                  
0x08048350    1 6            sym.imp.printf                                                        
0x08048330    1 6            sym.imp.scanf                                                         
0x080482f8    1 23           sym._init                                                             
0x08048384    3 33           fcn.08048384                                                          
0x08048340    1 6            sym.imp.strlen                                                        

oops , we see that all functions starts with address 0x08 and our starting seek is 0xf7 . ooooh, okay let’s dig deeper regd this. So when we see the memory layout of c binaries , we can understand. Memory Layout

As we see in the image, the binary text will be in low address and thats why the addresses of the functions starts with 0x08 whereis the stack address have higher address that is it starts with 0xf and in our case 0xf7fcb0b0 should be a stack address. But we all know that the stack addresses is read/write but how it can execute in stack . If we analyse the memory maps we can well understand

[0xf7fcb0b0]> dm
0x08048000 - 0x08049000 - usr     4K s r-x /root/Desktop/RE/radare2-workshop-2015/IOLI-crackme/bin-linux/crackme0x03 /root/Desktop/RE/radare2-workshop-2015/IOLI-crackme/bin-linux/crackme0x03 ; map.root_Desktop_RE_radare2_workshop_2015_IOLI_crackme_bin_linux_crackme0x03.r_x                        
0x08049000 - 0x0804b000 - usr     8K s rw- /root/Desktop/RE/radare2-workshop-2015/IOLI-crackme/bin-linux/crackme0x03 /root/Desktop/RE/radare2-workshop-2015/IOLI-crackme/bin-linux/crackme0x03 ;                         
0xf7fc6000 - 0xf7fc9000 - usr    12K s r-- [vvar] [vvar] ; map.vvar_.r                             
0xf7fc9000 - 0xf7fca000 - usr     4K s r-x [vdso] [vdso] ; map.vdso_.r_x                           
0xf7fca000 - 0xf7fcb000 - usr     4K s r-- /usr/lib32/ /usr/lib32/             
0xf7fcb000 - 0xf7fe7000 * usr   112K s r-x /usr/lib32/ /usr/lib32/ ;                                                                                 
0xf7fe7000 - 0xf7ff1000 - usr    40K s r-- /usr/lib32/ /usr/lib32/ ;                                                                                   
0xf7ff2000 - 0xf7ff4000 - usr     8K s rw- /usr/lib32/ /usr/lib32/ ;
0xffdc6000 - 0xffde8000 - usr   136K s rw- [stack] [stack] ;

The dm command will gives us the memory map regions allocated for the particular binary(crackme0x02) and it varies and it is allocated by the operating system for the processes. The * denotes the current execution region. The binary loaded in the current execution region is ld library which is loaded dynamically. Also permissions for the memory regions is also showed in 5th column and in our ld memory region it is r-x , so it has read and execute permission. Since there may be several entry functions for binaries , r2 will keep its first debugging in ld memory region and thats the reason we will start at higher address . Learn more about LD preload to understand more on why is loaded.

debugging commands

It is important to know basic debugging commands in r2

d? - debugging commands help

All debugging commands starts with d.

db - set breakpoint

dc - continue

ds - step into

dso - step over

dcu <function> - set breakpoint and continue which will hit the breakpoint at the function.

analysing memory commands starts with p

pfz @ <addr> - print value at addr as string(ends with 00)
pxw @ <addr> - print word from addr
px[b|w|q] <addr> -  print byte|word|quadword
p?,p??,p??? - help

Visual Mode

It will be difficult to debug without seeing cursor on the line executing by r2 and we can see that in visual mode.

v - open visual mode
p -  shift to different visual modes 
s - step into 
S - step over
q - quit visual mode
: - run r2 commands(you dont have to quit in order to run r2 commands)

It will look like this

[0xf7fcb0b0 [xAdvc]0 0% 255 /root/Desktop/RE/radare2-workshop-2015/IOLI-crackme/bin-linux/crackme0x03]> pd $r @ loc._end+-268955504 # 0xf7fcb0b0                                                          
            ;-- eip:                                                                                                                                                                                      
            0xf7fcb0b0      89e0           mov eax, esp                                                                                                                                                   
            0xf7fcb0b2      83ec0c         sub esp, 0xc                                                                                                                                                   
            0xf7fcb0b5      50             push eax                                                                                                                                                       
            0xf7fcb0b6      e8e50c0000     call 0xf7fcbda0             ;[1]                                                                                                                               
            0xf7fcb0bb      83c410         add esp, 0x10                                                                                                                                                  
            0xf7fcb0be      89c7           mov edi, eax                                                                                                                                                   
            0xf7fcb0c0      e8dbffffff     call 0xf7fcb0a0             ;[2]                                                                                                                               
            0xf7fcb0c5      81c33b7f0200   add ebx, 0x27f3b                                                                                                                                               
            0xf7fcb0cb      8b8334f8ffff   mov eax, dword [ebx - 0x7cc]                                                                                                                                   
            0xf7fcb0d1      5a             pop edx                                                                                                                                                        
            0xf7fcb0d2      8d2484         lea esp, [esp + eax*4]                                                                                                                                         
            0xf7fcb0d5      29c2           sub edx, eax                                                                                                                                                   
            0xf7fcb0d7      52             push edx                                                                                                                                                       
            0xf7fcb0d8      8b8340000000   mov eax, dword [ebx + 0x40]                                                                                                                                    
            0xf7fcb0de      8d749408       lea esi, [esp + edx*4 + 8]                                                                                                                                     
            0xf7fcb0e2      8d4c2404       lea ecx, [esp + 4]                                                                                                                                             
            0xf7fcb0e6      89e5           mov ebp, esp                                                                                                                                                   
            0xf7fcb0e8      83e4f0         and esp, 0xfffffff0                                                                                                                                            
            0xf7fcb0eb      83ec0c         sub esp, 0xc                                                                                                                                                   
            0xf7fcb0ee      55             push ebp                                                                                                                                                       
            0xf7fcb0ef      56             push esi                                                                                                                                                       
            0xf7fcb0f0      51             push ecx                                                                                                                                                       
            0xf7fcb0f1      52             push edx                                                                                                                                                       
            0xf7fcb0f2      50             push eax                                                                                                                                                       
            0xf7fcb0f3      31ed           xor ebp, ebp                                                                                                                                                   
            0xf7fcb0f5      e876f00000     call 0xf7fda170             ;[3]           

Panel Mode

My favorite is panel mode , i use panel mode for debugging

V - shift to panel mode
s - step into
S - step over
h,j,k,l - movement in panel mode
? - help 
w - window mode (shift to next window, other window operations)
e - create a new command in the panel
D - open disassembler
<spacebar> -  open graph view

solving crackme0x02

Open binary using r2 -Ad crackme0x02

dcu main - set breakpoint at main and continue Change to panel mode by using v

root@n00b:~/Desktop/RE/radare2-workshop-2015/IOLI-crackme/bin-linux# r2 -Ad crackme0x02
Process with PID 15189 started...
= attach 15189 15189
bin.baddr 0x08048000
Using 0x8048000
asm.bits 32
glibc.fc_offset = 0x00148
[Invalid address from 0x080483cfith sym. and entry0 (aa)
[x] Analyze all flags starting with sym. and entry0 (aa)
[x] Analyze function calls (aac)
[x] Analyze len bytes of instructions for references (aar)
[x] Check for objc references
Warning: aao experimental on 32bit binaries
[x] Check for vtables
[TOFIX: aaft can't run in debugger mode.ions (aaft)
[x] Type matching analysis for all functions (aaft)
[x] Propagate noreturn information
[x] Use -AA or aaaa to perform additional experimental analysis.
 -- Use radare2! Lemons included!
[0xf7ef80b0]> dcu main
Continue until 0x080483e4 using 1 bpsize
hit breakpoint at: 80483e4

Switch to panel mode by using v.

  File  Settings  Edit  View  Tools  Search  Emulate  Debug  Analyze  Help                                                                                                               Tab [1] [0x080483e4]
│[X] Disassembly (pd)                                                                                            [Cache] Off │[X]   Stack (pxw 256@r:SP)                                        [Cache] Off │
│             ; DATA XREF from entry0 @ 0x8048347                                                                            │ 0xffab282c  0xf7d097e1 0x00000001 0xffab28c4 0xffab28cc  .........(...(..    │
│             ;-- eip:                                                                                                       │ 0xffab283c  0xffab2854 0x00000001 0x00000000 0xf7ec2000  T(........... ..    │
│ ┌ 144: int main (int argc, char **argv, char **envp);                                                                      │ 0xffab284c  0x00000000 0xf7f12000 0x00000000 0xf7ec2000  ..... ....... ..    │
│ │           ; var int32_t var_ch @ ebp-0xc                                                                                 │ 0xffab285c  0xf7ec2000 0x00000000 0xd678a6e9 0x210780f9  . ........x....!    │
│ │           ; var int32_t var_8h @ ebp-0x8                                                                                 │ 0xffab286c  0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000001  ................    │
│ │           ; var int32_t var_4h @ ebp-0x4                                                                                 │ 0xffab287c  0x08048330 0x00000000 0xf7efe450 0xf7ef92d0  0.......P.......    │
│ │           ; var int32_t var_sp_4h @ esp+0x4                                                                              │ 0xffab288c  0xf7f12000 0x00000001 0x08048330 0x00000000  . ......0.......    │
│ │           0x080483e4  *   55             push ebp                                                                        │ 0xffab289c  0x08048351 0x080483e4 0x00000001 0xffab28c4  Q............(..    │
│ │           0x080483e5      89e5           mov ebp, esp                                                                    │ 0xffab28ac  0x08048480 0x080484f0 0xf7ef92d0 0xffab28bc  .............(..    │
│ │           0x080483e7      83ec18         sub esp, 0x18                                                                   │ 0xffab28bc  0x0000001c 0x00000001 0xffab3f48 0x00000000  ........H?......    │
│ │           0x080483ea      83e4f0         and esp, 0xfffffff0                                                             │ 0xffab28cc  0xffab3f56 0xffab3f66 0xffab3fb2 0xffab3fbd  V?..f?...?...?..    │
│ │           0x080483ed      b800000000     mov eax, 0                                                                      │ 0xffab28dc  0xffab3fd0 0xffab4006 0xffab401f 0xffab4053  .?...@...@..S@..    │
│ │           0x080483f2      83c00f         add eax, 0xf                ; 15                                                │ 0xffab28ec  0xffab408d 0xffab40c7 0xffab40dd 0xffab40f0  .@...@...@...@..    │
│ │           0x080483f5      83c00f         add eax, 0xf                ; 15                                                │ 0xffab28fc  0xffab40fa 0xffab4132 0xffab4145 0xffab417f  .@..2A..EA...A..    │
│ │           0x080483f8      c1e804         shr eax, 4                                                                      │ 0xffab290c  0xffab41ad 0xffab41e5 0xffab41f9 0xffab420e  .A...A...A...B..    │
│ │           0x080483fb      c1e004         shl eax, 4                                                                      │ 0xffab291c  0xffab4221 0xffab423d 0xffab424c 0xffab4280  !B..=B..LB...B..    │
│ │           0x080483fe      29c4           sub esp, eax                                                                    │                                                                              │
│ │           0x08048400      c70424488504.  mov dword [esp], str.IOLI_Crackme_Level_0x02    ; [0x8048548:4]=0x494c4f49 ; "IO│                                                                              │
│ │           0x08048407      e810ffffff     call sym.imp.printf         ;[1] ; int printf(const char *format)               │                                                                              ││ │           0x0804840c      c70424618504.  mov dword [esp], str.Password:    ; [0x8048561:4]=0x73736150 ; "Password: "     │                                                                              │
│ │           0x08048413      e804ffffff     call sym.imp.printf         ;[1] ; int printf(const char *format)               │                                                                              │
│ │           0x08048418      8d45fc         lea eax, [var_4h]                                                               │                                                                              │
│ │           0x0804841b      89442404       mov dword [var_sp_4h], eax                                                      │                                                                              │
│ │           0x0804841f      c704246c8504.  mov dword [esp], 0x804856c    ; [0x804856c:4]=0x50006425                        │                                                                              │
│ │           0x08048426      e8e1feffff     call sym.imp.scanf          ;[2] ; int scanf(const char *format)                │                                                                              │
│ │           0x0804842b      c745f85a0000.  mov dword [var_8h], 0x5a    ; 'Z' ; 90                                          │                                                                              │
│ │           0x08048432      c745f4ec0100.  mov dword [var_ch], 0x1ec    ; 492                                              │──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ │           0x08048439      8b55f4         mov edx, dword [var_ch]                                                         │[X]   Registers (dr)                                              [Cache] Off │
│ │           0x0804843c      8d45f8         lea eax, [var_8h]                                                               │ eax = 0xf7ec4548                                                             │
│ │           0x0804843f      0110           add dword [eax], edx                                                            │ ebx = 0x00000000                                                             │
│ │           0x08048441      8b45f8         mov eax, dword [var_8h]                                                         │ ecx = 0x210780f9                                                             │
│ │           0x08048444      0faf45f8       imul eax, dword [var_8h]                                                        │ edx = 0xffab2854                                                             │
│ │           0x08048448      8945f4         mov dword [var_ch], eax                                                         │ esi = 0xf7ec2000                                                             │
│ │           0x0804844b      8b45fc         mov eax, dword [var_4h]                                                         │ edi = 0xf7ec2000                                                             │
│ │           0x0804844e      3b45f4         cmp eax, dword [var_ch]                                                         │ esp = 0xffab282c                                                             │
│ │       ┌─< 0x08048451      750e           jne 0x8048461                                                                   │ ebp = 0x00000000                                                             │
│ │       │   0x08048453      c704246f8504.  mov dword [esp], str.Password_OK_:    ; [0x804856f:4]=0x73736150 ; "Password OK │ eip = 0x080483e4                                                             │
│ │       │   0x0804845a      e8bdfeffff     call sym.imp.printf         ;[1] ; int printf(const char *format)               │ eflags = 0x00000246                                                          │
│ │      ┌──< 0x0804845f      eb0c           jmp 0x804846d                                                                   │ oeax = 0xffffffff                                                            │
│ │      │└─> 0x08048461      c704247f8504.  mov dword [esp], str.Invalid_Password    ; [0x804857f:4]=0x61766e49 ; "Invalid P│                                                                              │
│ │      │    0x08048468      e8affeffff     call sym.imp.printf         ;[1] ; int printf(const char *format)               │                                                                              │
│ │      │    ; CODE XREF from main @ 0x804845f                                                                              │                                                                              │
│ │      └──> 0x0804846d      b800000000     mov eax, 0                                                                      │                                                                              │
│ │           0x08048472      c9             leave                                                                           │                                                                              │
│ └           0x08048473      c3             ret                                                                             │                                                                              │
│             0x08048474      90             nop                                                                             │                                                                              │
│             0x08048475      90             nop                                                                             │                                                                              │
│             0x08048476      90             nop                                                                             │                                                                              │
│             0x08048477      90             nop                                                                             │                                                                              │
│             0x08048478      90             nop                                                                             │                                                                              │
│             0x08048479      90             nop                                                                             │                                                                              │
│             0x0804847a      90             nop                                                                             │                                                                              │
│             0x0804847b      90             nop                                                                             │                                                                              │

This is how it looks like in panel mode and the line to be executed will be highlighted. As you can see there are three windows, the disassembly window and other two , one is stack value at the top right and other one is registers (bottom-rigth). Press s to step to next instruction and the registers, stacks will change accordingly.

Step till 0x0804844b and see the value of eax at the register window or use pxd @ eax to see the value from eax registers

This is all for debugging , so next we will continue on Part-II